I should know, because I am one. PA stands for Public Address. A public address announcer is an announcer that informs fans at a sporting events. For example, the starting lineups for both teams are announced by the PA announcer. He also announces fouls, touchdowns, timeouts, baskets, goals and substitutions. He also announces pre-game announcements and safety rules/precautions. In football, softball and Baseball, the PA announcer sit's in the press box, in Basketball, he sits at the scorers table on the side of the court, there are 2 locations for hockey. for NHL, the PA announcer sits in the press box, not always, but in the CCHA or Central Collegiate Hockey Association, he'll sit a a small booth located between the penalty boxes.
Don Robertson - television announcer - was born in 1926.
The ting goes SKRAAAA pa pa pa pa pa, skadidim pa pa, and a kkrr kruuu bum! SKYIA!
An announcer on ESPN
roger rabbit
The announcer
the pa announcer for the charlotte bobcats is ............. Khalid ibrahim in 9-b
The Announcer for Manchester United is Alan Keegan.
the pa anoncer is Jeff Scott
Dan Roberts
Gary Williams
Adam Abrams
Herbie Kuhn
Nothing. The Baltimore Orioles' public address announcer is not a paid position
Jim Enright
Rob Nice
It is Mike "The Duke" Donegan.