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Hammond H112 is one of models organ that the Hammond company made. I have one and i like it as well as I liked my Hammond B3


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Q: What is a H112 hammond organ?
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How do you tune a hammond h112 organ?

The Hammond H112 is a tonewheel organ and the frequency of each note is governed entirely by the speed of the motor which drives the tonewheel generator. By default these motors are designed to operate from 60Hz AC power (US standard) therefore if you run it from UK 50Hz (even with a voltage converter) the whole thing will run slow and therefore every note will be a lower frequency. You can get converters to change the 50Hz UK standard to 60Hz US which should solve any problems. If the motor is still not running at the proper speed I'm guessing that the whole thing is clogged up or, very likely, hasn't been properly oiled for some time. There is no way to actually `tune' a tonewheel Hammond.

When was Hammond Organ Factory created?

Hammond Organ Factory was created in 1868.

Who invented the electric organ?

Laurens Hammond is the inventor of the electric organ. He had his invention patented in 1934 and the Hammond organ was manufactured in 1935.

What is the value of a hammond organ model 144115?

price on hammond organ model 144115 serial 110620

Where may an individual purchase a Hammond Organ?

You can purchase a Hammond organ at your local specialist piano store, or at the very least they will know where to get one. Failing that, you can look at forums and blogs, or go direct to the Hammond organ company.

What is a Hammond organ used for?


When was the hammond organ invented?


What organ was used in RB soul music?

I think it was the Hammond Organ.

What has the author Mark Vail written?

Mark Vail has written: 'Keyboard presents the Hammond organ' -- subject(s): Hammond organ, History

What is a Hammond Organ?

the doors use one and the charlatans listen to them and you'll see its the oscillatating organ sound.. Jamie65 added: A Hammond Organ is any organ made by the Hammond Organ Company, or it's successors, the Hammond-Suzuki company. However, the term "Hammond Organ" is generally used to refer to that company's organs that use a motor-driven generator assembly in conjunction with additive synthesis. A big part of the sound usually associated with the Hammond Organ is the Leslie Tone cabinet, which is a combination of an amplifier and one or more speakers with motor-driven baffles to provide a tremolo effect. Leslie was originally an independent company, but they were later bought by Hammond. A Google search will give you links to much more information.

What is the value of hammond organ L 133?
