I am not totally sure about it, but i think it could possibly be GREEN.
Blue and black
He has never said, but it is most likely light blue.
There is no publicly available information on William Moseley's favorite color.
The most famous song of William Beckett is 'Dear Life'. William Beckett has also collaborated on several songs of the band The Fall Out Boy and with other popular bands.
Vanessa's favorite colour is red
Their favourite colour is blue.
Her fav colour is pink and purple
His favourite colour is blue =]
Sadly, William Shakespeare's favorite color was never revealed during his lifetime; and no history records state his favorite color. Regrettably, History does not seem to record what was Shakespeare's favourite colour. We do not have any evidence with which to answer this question. There is no record of what was Shakespeare's favourite colour, place, animal, poem or anything else.
They have no favorite colour.
His favorite color is blue.