Her name is Kristina Uhrinova
Karen sanchez
Lizzie Ryan
You buy it on app store for 10$
his real name is Kaydn Rodriguez His real name is Jason Reso
Her name is Kristina Uhrinova
Avena Segal
Karen sanchez
Lizzie Ryan
Jana Horova
Sasha Cane
A site I stumbled upon on accident when trying to find Angel Kiss' name said that she was also known by two other aliases; Zimanyi Timea and Claudia
If you are looking for more information about Virtuagirl, the best place to start is on the Virtuagirl website. There is a collection of over 1,000 girls that can be downloaded right to your own desktop.
The cast of VirtuaGirl - 2007 includes: Josh Benton Shelley Delayne as VirtuaGirl Gina DeVettori as Kate Rosalind Farotte May Farotte Rob Kerkovich as Adam Gabriel Pimentel as Mr. Stumpo Christian Reeve
As I know, answer is "Nowhere"