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Liberal Arts

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Q: What is The concept of the Liberal Arts in education originated with?
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What does literal arts means?

literal arts are literary arts, or written forms: poetry, novelization, screen writing, etcThough forms of written art would typically be referred to as literary arts and not literal arts which is an outdated slang reference.You may be confusing it with the more common phrase: liberal arts.Liberal arts are those subjects and skills which are considered essential for participation in an active civic life. The concept and definition of what those skills are has evolved throughout history and depending on which time period you are examining you will find different areas of study.In Ancient Greece, liberal arts included public debate, jury service, and military service. The stated goal of the training was to produce a virtuous, knowledgeable and articulate person.During medieval times liberal arts were extended to include basic arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy.In modern times a liberal arts education has many interpretations. The basic structure of childhood studies (elementary, middle and high school) is an evolved concept of the ancient worlds view of liberal arts. Childhood education includes a 'liberal' amount of varied studies aimed at giving students an understanding of reading, writing, arithmetic, basic sciences and history.The idea itself has become so universal that the term liberal arts is rarely even used in reference to modern childhood education and it is generally accepted that everyone should attend these minimum levels of training in schools as children. (compared to ancient times when schooling even at this level was often optional)The term liberal arts continues to be used at the university or college level to describe someone who is extending their education without a specific focus or specialty. Depending on the school, a modern liberal arts degree may include training in: literature, language, philosophy, history, mathematics, psychology, science, and more. Harvard university for example also requires: biology, social sciences, and humanities courses as part of their liberal arts degree.In general terms a liberal arts degree is any that are not related to a professional, vocational or technical curriculum.In practical terms at modern colleges, most students will eventually choose a major and specialize their degree to obtain a professional or technical certification (a degree 'in' a particular job or specific field of study). By contrast, liberal arts would be all of the courses which did not directly relate to their specialization.Thus a student with a liberal arts degree has no specialization and has completed all of the generic course work (math, reading, etc) at a particular level (associate, bachelor, masters, etc) without a specialized education in a particular area of study (law, medicine, fine art, engineering, etc)

Does Gene Simmons have a degree?

Gene Simmons has a Bachelors of Arts degree in Education.

What is the meaning of music MAPEH?

MAPEH stands for Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health is one of the learning areas of the Secondary Education Curriculum used in Philippine secondary schools.

Microorganisms and man by Orville wyss and curtis eklund is for what type of audience?

A general, non-science major, college audience. This book was intended to introduce liberal-arts, non-science students to the world of microbiology.

What level of education did Bernard Madoff have?

Bernard Madoff's highest level of education completed was a Bachelor of Arts degree from Hofstra University, in Hempstead, New York, in the early 1960's. His major was political science. He had transferred to Hofstra after a year at the University of Alabama. He also briefly attended Brooklyn Law School.

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What was the goal of a liberal arts education?

There are many things that could be a goal of a liberal arts education. Making a student well-rounded is an example.

Believed in liberal arts education for African Americans?

Martin Luther King, Junior, believed in liberal arts education for African Americans. Before this, it was difficult or impossible for black students to get into good liberal arts colleges.

What is University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh's motto?

The motto of University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh is 'A NEW VISION IN HIGHER EDUCATION'.

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the connection is between critical thinking, a Christian liberal arts education, and being able to admit when you are wrong?

Who believed in liberal arts education for African Americans?

W.E.B. Du Bois

What best describes the difference between vocational and the liberal arts?

While vocational training provides information on many subjects, the liberal arts strictly refers to education in the humanities.

What according to Wallace are the true purpose and value of a liberal-arts college education?

yeah it is.

What best describes the difference between vocational training and the liberal arts?

While vocational training provides information on many subjects, the liberal arts strictly refers to education in the humanities.

What concentration in BA can you get with an AA in liberal arts?

Most any concentration. The associate of arts in liberal arts is designed to fulfill the first two year general education cluster required by four year colleges and universities.

What has the author Waldemar Zagars written?

Waldemar Zagars has written: 'The liberal arts education' -- subject(s): Humanistic Education

Associates in science or arts in degree interior design?

It depends on the school and their preferred approach.A Associate of Arts degree is a humanities based degree. It is designed to provide a balanced liberal arts education and general knowledge in a recognized discipline, interdisciplinary field, or areas of professional study.A Associate of Science degree is science based. It is designed to provide a balanced liberal arts education and a scientific, technical, or professional entry level competence.It depends on the school and their preferred approach.A Associate of Arts degree is a humanities based degree. It is designed to provide a balanced liberal arts education and general knowledge in a recognized discipline, interdisciplinary field, or areas of professional study.A Associate of Science degree is science based. It is designed to provide a balanced liberal arts education and a scientific, technical, or professional entry level competence.It depends on the school and their preferred approach.A Associate of Arts degree is a humanities based degree. It is designed to provide a balanced liberal arts education and general knowledge in a recognized discipline, interdisciplinary field, or areas of professional study.A Associate of Science degree is science based. It is designed to provide a balanced liberal arts education and a scientific, technical, or professional entry level competence.It depends on the school and their preferred approach.A Associate of Arts degree is a humanities based degree. It is designed to provide a balanced liberal arts education and general knowledge in a recognized discipline, interdisciplinary field, or areas of professional study.A Associate of Science degree is science based. It is designed to provide a balanced liberal arts education and a scientific, technical, or professional entry level competence.It depends on the school and their preferred approach.A Associate of Arts degree is a humanities based degree. It is designed to provide a balanced liberal arts education and general knowledge in a recognized discipline, interdisciplinary field, or areas of professional study.A Associate of Science degree is science based. It is designed to provide a balanced liberal arts education and a scientific, technical, or professional entry level competence.It depends on the school and their preferred approach.A Associate of Arts degree is a humanities based degree. It is designed to provide a balanced liberal arts education and general knowledge in a recognized discipline, interdisciplinary field, or areas of professional study.A Associate of Science degree is science based. It is designed to provide a balanced liberal arts education and a scientific, technical, or professional entry level competence.

What was the goal of a liberal arts education during the Italian renaissance?

Classical education can best be summed up in the concept of the Liberal Arts. The term derives from the Latin libera, meaning freedom. For the Greeks and Romans, a liberal education was necessary for a human being to be free. Vocational training, by contrast, was reserved for slaves. Free citizens required an education that enlarged the mind, cultivated civic virtue, and developed the full human potential. As they were systematized in the Middle Ages, there were seven "arts" that comprised a liberal education. They were suited to the various stages of intellectual development, and engaged all of the human faculties. The Seven Liberal Arts consisted of two parts: the trivium of grammar, logic, and rhetoric; and the quadrivium of mathematics, music, astronomy, and geometry. Once these "arts" of learning were mastered, the student was equipped for the study of the sciences: natural science, moral science (including history, politics, and law), and theological science (the study of religion and first principles). After this regimen, a student would study for a profession.