her full name is Stella Teodora Hudgens (Guangco is her mothers lastname)
Natalie ordonez
On her feet
yes Stella and Noah are best friends Stella and Noah both have boyfriends not just Stella
No, they are not dating. Dylan is 16 and Stella is 12. It would be weird to date your sister's ex-boyfriend's brother.
Syliane Stella's birth name is Syliane Stella Morell.
Guangco. =)
Her Name is Stella Hudgens
Stella Teodora Hudgens.
Stella Teodora Guangco Hudgens
it's not Stella Anne Hudgens It's Stella teodora Hudgens
Gina Hudgens
Her name is Stella Hudgens.
Yes, she has a younger sister named Stella Hudgens
yes and her name is stella. stella hudgens
Stella Hudgens is the sister of singer and actress Vanessa Hudgens. As of 2014 she is 18 years old but the name of her dog is not listed.
Stella Hudgens
Stella Teodora G. Hudgens