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Stanley Milgrram was a psychologist who studied obedience to authority.He conducted experiments to find out how much oridinary people would conform to authority, even if it went against their conscience.

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Q: What is Stanley Milgram known for?
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Related questions

When did Stanley Milgram die?

Arthur Milgram died in 1960.

When was Stanley Milgram born?

Stanley Milgram was born on 1933-08-15.

When was milgram born?

Stanley Milgram was born on 1933-08-15.

Who conducted an experiment on the effects of punishment on learning that was in reality a classic experiment on obedience?

Stanley Milgram conducted an experiment on obedience, not punishment. The study, known as the Milgram experiment, aimed to understand the extent to which individuals would obey authority figures, even to the point of administering potentially harmful electric shocks to others.

What has the author Josette Milgram written?

Stanley Milgram has written: 'Das Milgram-Experiment' -- subject(s): Obedience, Authority 'Obedience to Authority' -- subject(s): Authoritarianism, Authority, Obedience, Social psychology 'Television and Anti-social Behaviour'

Who was the psychologist responsible for popularizing the concept of six degrees of separation?

Stanley Milgram

Stanley Milgram's experiments on the nature of obedience showed that individuals' obedience is influenced by?


Did Stanley milgram ever research behaviour in a virtual world?

No, Stanley Milgram did not conduct research on behavior in a virtual world. His famous work was primarily focused on obedience to authority and conformity in real-world social contexts.

What actors and actresses appeared in The Milgram Experiment - 2009?

The cast of The Milgram Experiment - 2009 includes: Rosalie Bertrand as Jewish Woman Patrick Gibbs as Dr. Stanley Milgram Bronwyn Hadlock as Sasha David Nieman as Prof. Kimball

Who created a psychological experiment where he made his subjects think they were shocking other people?

Stanley Milgram.

What is milgram known for?

Stanley Milgrram was a psychologist who studied obedience to authority.He conducted experiments to find out how much oridinary people would conform to authority, even if it went against their conscience.

What was the phrase that became synonymous with the research Stanley Milgram did on the small world phenomenon?

six degrees of separation