SpongeBob SquarePants lives at 124 Conch Street, Bikini Bottom, Pacific Ocean. (Bikini Bottom's Zip Code is never revealed, and it might not even have any Zip Code.) SpongeBob's home phone number is 555-9196. The number is revealed in Issue #3 of SpongeBob Comics. However, the number is pretty much useless, because no area code is revealed. I tried calling the number and it said your call could not be completed.
Yes because he has a phone on the show.
pals 4 ever
Mrs. Bubblebottom
According to an episode of Spongebob Squarepants, Spongebob's very first words were "Order up!" By Georgina C (11 yrs old) June, 2009.
TOMS, by far. they are the original ones and way better then "bobs". Plus, "bobs" are from the worst shoe brand ever "sketchers".
The cast of Bits and Bobs - 2000 includes: Sally Preisig as Bits Lynn Robertson Bruce as Bobs
Sibby Brown!
pals 4 ever
his nose:)
Patty socks
what it is
Sandy? Ya.
The Krabby Patty.