Sophie Dee
Sophie Laine's birth name is Lauren Harper McMenamin.
Sophie Morton's birth name is Sophie Claire Gemma Morton.
Sophie Morton is 5' 8".
Sophie Raworth is 5' 9".
Sophie Monk was born on December 14, 1979.
Sophie Nyweide was born on July 8, 2000.
Sophie of Württemberg was born on June 17, 1818.
Sophie Tucker was born on January 13, 1884.
Sophie of Bavaria was born on January 27, 1805.
Sophie Muller was born on January 31, 1962.
Sophie Anderton was born on May 14, 1977.
Sophie Germain was born on April 1, 1776.
Sophie Scholl was born on May 9, 1921.
Sophie Winkleman was born on August 5, 1980.
Sophie Aldred was born on August 20, 1962.
Sophie Cadieux was born on August 25, 1977.