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Orion Black was the father of Sirius Black.

Orion Black (1929-1979) was a pure-blood wizard and the eldest son of Arcturus Black III and Melania Macmillan. He married his second cousin, Walburga Black, and the couple had two sons: Sirius and Regulus Black.

Orion and Walburga's disillusionment with the Death Eater organisation, Regulus' defection from the group, Orion's strengthening of his house's defences, and his and his son's death all coincide.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Walburga Black. She married her second Orion Black and with him had her two children, Sirius and Regulus. Her husband and youngest son died in 1979, by which point Sirius had already been disowned leaving her with no family and alone until her death in 1985. Her portrait still hangs in Grimnauld Place and frequently shouts insults when disturbed.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Walburga Black. Her maiden name was Black, too.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Yes. Walburga Black was described as a very unpleasant woman. Her portrait frequently screamed slurs and insults to the people in the house and had to be charmed to stay quiet.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Orion and Wallburga Black.

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