12450 Burbank Bl. Suite P #252
Valley Village, CA 91607
That's it. (If you want to send him letters, etc.)
NOTE: Stalking, following, going to house or spying under nothing other than pure friendship or family related issues will be taken to the police.
12501 Burbank Blvd. suite 4 PMB 252 Valley Village, Ca 91607
Shane's grandma died of old age, or something else. I'm not really sure but look in one of his videos....it might have info in it
shanes moms name is NO1 CARES lol jk its daphney
He didn't die. He,as it explains on Shane Dawson's page on Wikipedia,walked out on the family when Shane was very young.It also explains,that his father was alcoholic and beat Shane when he was drunk.
hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane hey shane
Shane's favourite animal is a dog.
12501 Burbank Blvd. suite 4 PMB 252 Valley Village, Ca 91607
Shane dawsons house
Shane dawsons favorite food is a banana! (wierd)
Shane doesn't have a website, only Smosh does. But his YouTube channel is called "ShaneDawsonTV".
Red rover (his version obviously) :-P
Shane Dawson's birthday is July 18th or 19th. His birthday is July 19th, same as mine.
Shane's grandma died of old age, or something else. I'm not really sure but look in one of his videos....it might have info in it
his birthday is July 19 and he is 21 i would not be a good stalker fan if i didn't know lol
Shane dawsons father was scared of being a dad so he left and never came back.