Selena Marie Gomez
If you are asking about the actors/actresses that worked with Selena in the movie Another Cinderella Story, you can look up Another Cinderella Story on for the full cast and crew of the movie.
Selena Gomez is not related to the famous Mexican-American singer Selena (whose full name is Selena Quintanilla-Perez). Selena Gomez's parents gave her that name because they are fans of Selena Quintanilla-Perez.
Harvey's full name is Harvey Price - no middle names.
Alexandra Margarita Russo her real name is Selena Marie Gomez.
Selena Marie Gomez
Her full name is Carter Mason.
Amanda Cornet
Selena Gomez full name is Selena Marie Gomez Becky G's full name is Rebecca Marie Gomez (Selena & Rebecca have the same middle names and last names)
her dads name was Mortimer Herbert Morris-Goodall and her moms name was Margaret Myfanwe Joseph.
her full name is Selena Marie Gomez
Her Full Name is Selena Marie Gomez.
According to her IMDB biography her full name is Selena Marie Gomez.
selena marie gomez
Selena quintalilla Perez
Yes, her Full name is Selena Marie Gomez.
Selena Marie Gomez