Edward James DeSantis is 5' 9".
Jaclyn DeSantis was born in Long Island, in New York, USA.
It is not known if Ron Clark is married or not. Ron is a teacher in Atlanta, Georgia and has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show.
It says no were It will re mane a mystery
There is no Ron Grigsby but there is a Ron Weasley
Tullio DeSantis was born in 1948.
Dan DeSantis was born in 1918.
Danielle DeSantis is 5' 3".
Kathryn Desantis is 5' 1".
Dan DeSantis died in 2004.
Dave DeSantis was born on 1964-08-09.
Jason DeSantis was born on 1986-03-09.
Carla DeSantis Black was created in 1994.
Carla DeSantis Black ended in 2005.
Joe DeSantis was born on 1957-09-24.
Tony DeSantis died on 2007-06-06.
Tony DeSantis was born on 1914-01-05.