Rochelle Jones was born in 1945.
Rochelle Humes is 5' 8".
Shawna Rochelle Kimbrell was born in 1976.
Rochelle Bostrom was born on September 18, 1970.
Rochelle Kuhar was born on 1989-11-13.
Rochelle Wiseman's sister is called Emily Wiseman
Rochelle's Favourite Food is roast dinner. (According to the saturdays bio)
Rochelle Wisemans culture is Ghana. She is also my favorite in the Saturdays.
Rochelle Gadd was born on August 20, 1980.
Rochelle Rousso's birth name is Rousso, Rochelle.
Rochelle Oliver's birth name is Rochelle Olshever.
rochelle wiseman
Rochelle Karidis's birth name is Rochelle DeAnna Karidis.
There could be many towns named Rochelle, but the most known Rochelle is in New York State.
Marco Rochelle was born on March 25, 1971, in La Rochelle, France.
Rochelle Humes's birth name is Rochelle Eulah Eileen Wiseman.
Yes, Cindy Rochelle is considered to be Rochelle's best friend.