Rochelle doesn't have a middle name, her cultural heritage prevents girls from having middle names. She simply has a first and last middle name. When she marries she will be able to select a middle name for herself.
Kutee's birth name is Rochelle Elaine Lander.
Lake Russell's birth name is Rochelle Gaines.
Tiffany Limos's birth name is Tiffany Rochelle Limos.
Sherry Arnett's birth name is Sherry Klemesrud.
Samual Leroy Jackson Michael J. Fox, but his middle name is Andrew.
Rochelle Aytes
Chantal Aytes's birth name is Chantal Antoinette Dianne Marie Aytes.
Eulah eileen
Rochelle Rousso's birth name is Rousso, Rochelle.
Rochelle Oliver's birth name is Rochelle Olshever.
Rochelle Karidis's birth name is Rochelle DeAnna Karidis.
Rochelle Humes's birth name is Rochelle Eulah Eileen Wiseman.
Rochelle Davis's birth name is Andrea Hunsberger.
Rochelle Weisberg's birth name is Arthur Weisburg.
La Rochelle is the name of a city.
The uncapitalized word "rochelle" means "mezzanine", but the capitalized name "Rochelle" does not exist in French, although it is present in the Atlantic port town of "La Rochelle". It comes from "roc" or "roche", meaning "rock", which is what La Rochelle's harbor is built upon.