Cariba Heine
Rikki Love's birth name is Joy Miketzuk.
Rikki Lee Travolta's birth name is Richard Lee Travolta.
Marijke Rikki van Gyen's birth name is Marijke van Gyen.
Emma's Name Is Claire HoltCleo's Name Is Phoebe TonkinAnd Rikki's Name Is Cariba Heine(I know all this coz im h20's biggest fan xD)Read more: What_is_rikki_on_h20's_real_name
Character Rikki Chadwick is played by Actor Cariba Heine
"Rikki" from the TV show "H2O: Just Add Water" is portrayed by actress Cariba Heine. Her character's full name is Rikki Chadwick.
I was only able to accurately name one of the models from the Chadwicks catalog:- Nicole Trunfio
Rikki's real name is Cariba Heine. She played the character Rikki Chadwick in the TV series H2O: Just Add Water.
Cariba Heine
Rikki's Name Is Cariba HeineCleo's Name Is Phoebe TonkinAnd Emma's Name Is Claire Holt(I know all this coz im h20's biggest fan xD)
Jewel Johnson from Canada
This story was written by Rudyard Kipling. The story involved a heroic mongoose by the name of Rikki-Tikki, a hunter with eyeballs of flame, and a sworn enemy of all snakes. He becomes friends with a young boy, and fights to protect the boy and his family, from two wicked cobras Nag and Nagaina that live in the garden of the family's home. The real name of Rikki-Tikki-Tavi is the real name of a story character for children.
Rikki Chamberlain's birth name is Rikki David James Chamberlain.
Rikki's last name in "H2O: Just Add Water" is Chadwick.