Reza the Illusionist's real name is" Reza John Borchardt" born June 2nd, 1986.
Reza Beyk Imanverdi's birth name is Reza Beik-Imanverdi.
First, there isd no such thing as 'real' magic. In the real world, people who do magic tricks are illusionists (it is a professional skill) and they learn how to do this from books and each other.
Reza Aslan goes by El Pinguino [The Penguin].
Ali-Reza Pahlavi was born on 1966-04-28.
June 2nd.
Reza Farahan's birth name is Reza Mehdi Farahan.
Reza Badiyi's birth name is Reza Sayed Badiyi.
Reza Bagher's birth name is Reza Bagher Nejad Kashani.
Reza Beyk Imanverdi's birth name is Reza Beik-Imanverdi.
yes, his name was Reza Khan and he changed to Reza Shah Pahlavi when he became the Shah of Iran
International Illusionists - 1908 was released on: USA: April 1908
First, there isd no such thing as 'real' magic. In the real world, people who do magic tricks are illusionists (it is a professional skill) and they learn how to do this from books and each other.
Reza Shah, full name Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was the last king of Iran. He ruled Iran from September 1941 until his overthrow in February 1979 by the Iranian Rebellion.
The cast of The Illusionists - 2014 includes: Gail Dines Jean Kilbourne Laura Mulvey Susie Orbach Harrison Pope
Shah Reza Pahlavi.