Phil Everly (of the Everly Brothers) was 74 years old when he died on January 3, 2014.
(birthdate: January 19, 1939).
Phil Austin was born on April 6, 1941.
Dr. Phil McGraw was born on September 1, 1950.
Phil Boroff's birth name is Phil Dean Boroff.
The cast of A Conversation with Phil Collins - 2010 includes: Phil Collins as Phil Collins
Phil Town is 6' 2".
Don is living in Kentucky and no doubt at 70+ he is retired. Phil died on January 14, 2014.
Phil Collins was born on January 30, 1951. His birthday in January 30.
what ever is he into.
Phil Stacey was born on January 21, 1978.
Phil Knight was born on February 24, 1938.
Phil Barney was born on February 2, 1957.
Phil Jamieson was born on April 17, 1977.
Phil Harris was born on December 19, 1956.
Phil McGuire was born on March 4, 1980.
Phil Tufnell was born on April 29, 1966.
Phil Collen was born on December 8, 1957
Phil Christophers was born on June 16, 1980.