Maria Cristina Stephanie "Steph" Malig Ayson
Pharrell Williams does not have a middle name. That is his full name.
Harvey's full name is Harvey Price - no middle names.
James Potter is his full name, a middle name is not known for him.
Dumbledore's full name is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, giving him three middle names.
His middle name is Alexander
"Max" is his middle name. His full name is Peter MaxFinkelstein.
His full name is Robert Peter Williams.
His full name is Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III.
The full name, including the middle name, of the person I am referring to is John Michael Smith.
The middle name of Peter Crouch (who is an English football player who plays for the Premier League Club in Stoke) is James. His full name is Peter James Crouch.
His full name is Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz |
Robbie Williams's full name is Robert Peter Williams.
His whole name is Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz, so he has two middle names.
Peter Parker's full name is Peter Benjamin Parker.
Saint Peter's full name is Simon Peter.
Maria Cristina Stephanie "Steph" Malig Ayson