Otto Malmberg's birth name is Otto Fredrik Malmberg.
Otto Paetsch died on 1945-03-16.
Otto Liebing died in 1967.
Johnny Otto is 6' 4".
Otto Junkermann was born in 1929.
Otto I's territory was The Holy Roman Empire.
Otto I's territory was The Holy Roman Empire.
Otto I
It isn't known.
The Duke of Saxony
the duke of saxony
The Iron Chancellor
Otto I
Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898) was an immensely influential German statesman in his lifetime.
There is no known author named Otto Desponds. It is possible that you may have misspelled the name or confused it with a different author.
It is not known how Nikolaus August Otto died. He died on 26th January 1891. He is most known for building a four-stroke internal combustion engine.
Wouter Otto Levenbach, Better known as "Dave," a singer from the Netherlands, is openly gay.