Noomi Rapace's birth name is Noomi Norn.
Noomi Rapace is 38 years old (birthdate: December 28, 1979).
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Noomi Rapace's birth name is Noomi Norn.
Noomi Rapace was born on December 28, 1979.
Noomi Rapace is 38 years old (birthdate: December 28, 1979).
Yes, but he died.
95 lbs
Noomi Rapace
Sherlock Holmes A Game of Shadows
Noomi Rapace/Elizabeth Shaw - Michael Fassbender/David - Charlize Theron /Meredith Vickers - Idris Elba/Janek .
Noomi Rapce plays:Lisbeth Salander in the Swedish version of The Girl With the Dragon TattooMadame Simza Heron in Sherlock Holmes