His Birthday Is On May 9. He's Turing 16 This Year c:
He Said It On Twitter.(:
May 9, 1996 :)
Noah centineo was born November 18 1996 P.S. He is SO HOT, n he's Italian!! <3
Noah Centineo is 21 years old (born May 9, 1996).
Noah Centineo's phone number is private. He may be contacted via his management company:Generate Management8750 Wilshire Blvd.Suite 200Beverly Hills, CA 90211USA
Yes, Noah does have a tattoo located on his lower right buttcheek.
Noah is 13 years old :)
May 9, 1996 :)
Noah Centineo's birth name is Noah Gregory Centineo.
Noah Centino
Noah centineo was born November 18 1996 P.S. He is SO HOT, n he's Italian!! <3
Noah Centineo does not publicly disclose his religious affiliation, so it is unknown.
Noah plays Dallas in Austin and Ally on disney channel.
Noah Centineo is 21 years old (born May 9, 1996).
Noah Centineo
Noah Centineo
No he is in 10th grade I believe
Noah Centineo does not have a crush on the actress Laura Marano. His character Dallas does have a crush on Ally, who is played by Laura on the television series Austin and Ally.