ISquirtHotNuts .... I played Halo Reach with him on Friday night.. ha
Nick Swardson is 41 years old (birthdate: October 9, 1976).
Currently, my cheese sandwich.
Nick Swardsons myspace orientation says not sure it is not known if he is gay or not Nick Swardson is straight. His myspace sexual orientation is a part of his stand up comedy skit because he thinks its funny that "not sure" is an option amongst straight, homosexual and bisexual.
His gamertag is JBTenacious.
No, Nick Swardson does not have a girlfriend.
Nick Swardson's birth name is Nicholas Swardson.
Nick Swardson was born on October 09, 1976
Nick Swardson goes by Swardy.
Nick Swardson was born on October 9, 1976.
Nick Swardson was born on October 9, 1976.
Nick Swardson was born on October 09, 1976
Party - Nick Swardson album - was created in 2007.
Nick Swardson is a/an Stand-up comedian, actor, screenwriter, producer
The duration of Nick Swardson's Pretend Time is 1320.0 seconds.
Nick Swardson is 41 years old (birthdate: October 9, 1976).