Neville Longbottom. A middle name is unknown.
The actor who played him in the movies is called Matthew Lewis.
We aren't aware of his middle name.
Neville longbottoms date to the Yule Ball was Ginny Weasley
Eden Neville's birth name is Eden Ellen Emma Neville.
Neville Longbottom? Augusta
Neville Freitas goes by Neville Joseph Freitas.
He does not have a middle name.
Neville longbottoms date to the Yule Ball was Ginny Weasley
His Toad is named "Trevor"
Yes, although we are never given Alice's maiden name, in several of the books there is mention of the Longbottoms being pure-blooded. There is even a Longbottom mentioned on the Black Family Tree, but we are not told the individual's name or how they are related to Neville and his parents.
Neville Chamberlain's birth name is Chamberlain, Arthur Neville.
Neville Whiting's birth name is Albert Neville Whiting.
Neville Lawrence's birth name is Neville George Lawrence.
Eden Neville's birth name is Eden Ellen Emma Neville.
Neville Heath's birth name is Neville George Clevely Heath.
Neville Longbottom? Augusta
Edgar Neville's birth name is Neville Romre (conde de Berlanga de Duero), Edgar.
The name of Robert Neville's Wife is Zoe Neville, played by Salli Richardson (in the movie from 2007).
Charmaine Neville's sister's name is Carol