The Simpsons' episode with the Cannibal Chef called "Dark Stanley" has the Name "Yokel Chords".
Maggie Simpson.
Eleanor Abernathy.
Selma and Patty Bouvier
The simpson's son is called Bart or very rarely called Bartholomew which is his christened name
moes tavern
You gotta get Moes tavern
Flaming Moes
Moes tabern
Well the only place i have seen them get it is at moes tavern (or to buy it at the shops)
His number is 764-8437-7 (Not a real phone number) and it spell Smithers.
at universal studios Hollywood lane in line by the simpsons ride .oh get spiderman web of shadows
A cat
"Also Sprach Zarathustra," by Richard Strauss.
The Simpsons Movie
Elenor Abernathy.
The cat's name on The Simpsons is Snowball.