I have heard it is lime green, but I think only she is qualified to answer this question. :)
Miranda May´s favorite color is lilac
Miranda Cosgrove has no fav. drink!
hey Miranda here, my favorite color would have to be green, thanks to all of my fans who care so much about me and want to know those things. check out my new single, about you now!!! don't forget!!
Favorite Color: GreenJames Maslow's favorite color is Green
His favorite color is Green and His favorite number is 8
Miranda May´s favorite color is lilac
Blake Shelton
loveing and caring
Miranda's full name is Miranda Leigh Lambert.
She's a 36c
she scored her 4th number
Private Investigators
yes, yes she probably does ;) pretty much every one has a favorite animal..(next time try being more specific with your questions)
It time for miracle