It is called 'The Last Song' and Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus star in it.
she lives in Nash ville tenesse PS if Miley Cyrus sees it answer this when will you perform in Oklahoma Tulsa 2010.
the latest album so far was breakout but her latest album from her new movie Hannah Montana movie was releast a few days ago
Hannah Montana Soundtrack-2006 Hannah Montana 2/Meet Miley Cyrus-2007 Breakout-2008 Hannah Montana The Movie Soundtrack-2009
she makes the voice of the character called "Penny"
Hannah Montana is not real but Miley has stared in one movie as Hannah. That was Hannah Montana the Movie. Miley has stared in many movies including The Last Song, L.O.L, So Undercover and Bolt. Hope this Helps!!!
yeah mileys awesome at everything she does.
The leading man/boy is Lucas Till who plays a guy called Travis and becomes MIleys new crush in the movie.
it is not coming out/ever
The Last Song
mileys boyfriend is Liam heads worth they met on the set of the last song (her new movie)
When I Look At You by Miley Cyrus (: And the movie is called Last Song
Miley horse is called Blue Jeans!
Well sorta you can get all the songs of Miley from the movie the CD is called Miley Cirus Movie
High School Musical 2. Mileys is seen in a very brief cameo dancing in the final 'pool scene'. She had no speaking role.
it already came out in cinemas!
Parent Trap.
Big Fish