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It depends on which one you are talking about:

Michael Ball (singer) (born 1962), English singer and actor

Michael Ball (footballer) (born 1979), English football player

Michael Ball (American football) (born 1964), a retired American Football player

Michael Ball (bishop) (born 1932), Bishop of Truro, 1990-1997

Michael Ball (fashion mogul), CEO of Rock and Republic

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Michael Ballam is totally heterosexual. He is married to a beautiful wife and has a half a dozen children with her. He is an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints which frowns on gay marriage. Since he's into music and the performing arts, people may think he is gay. I had a friend who would carry a gay facade to win over the best looking women around. Women seem to go for that.

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