It's from his old gimmik. It makes a V and 1, referring to Matt Hardy Version 1. I think the gimmik developed after he stopped partnering with Jeff.
They dont have one.They both have twitters MATTHARDYBRAND and JEFFHARDYBRANDAnd Matt has a Myspace
Sorry that is private information and Matt and Jeff do not give out their phone numbers to fans
That's not booing. They're saying 'Kooch, Kooch,' his nickname.
It is unknown what the previous entrance theme was when they were known as a stable the 'Hardy Boyz'. Matt Hardys theme song in the WWE is currently - "Live for the Moment" by Monster Magnet. Jeff Hardys theme music in TNA is "Modest" by Peroxwhy?gen.
The Hardys' mother died of brain cancer in 1987.
Matt hardy
He doesn't have one for fans
Matt hardys biggest fan is Amelia Taylor !!!!
Matt Hardy's saying was ''I will never die and neither will my spirit''
live for the moment
Matthew Hardy
He doesn't have any kids!!!
Ruby Moore Hardy.
Jeff and Matt