Mary Mathias's birth name is Mary Eileen Mathias.
Mary Anne Shula's birth name is Mary Anne Hurst.
Mary Miliaresi's birth name is Maria Miliaresi.
Mary Louise Weiss
The lamb in the bible refers to Jesus and not Mary.
The Donna Reed Show - 1958 Mary's Little Lambs 3-38 was released on: USA: 8 June 1961
The scientific name for lambs ear is Stachys byzantina.
fleecy;) Baby sheep are called lambs.
Richard's last name in "Lazy Lions, Lucky Lambs" is Foster.
not telling you
a baa I think
A ewe or sheep.
The Silence of the Lambs
Mary Ann Bugg was convicted for stealing meat including sheep and lambs. She is known for being one of the best female bushrangers of her time.