a bazillion gagillion hughtillion dollars :)
Lil Waynes clothing company.
I heard he was murdered when Lil Wayne was young.
Yes! Lil' Wayne's Dreads Are Real!!
lil waynes net worth is 256 mill icp net worth 10 mill
a bazillion gagillion hughtillion dollars :)
no he is not
lil waynes real dad is birdman the rapper
it is claimed on this website's other answers that lil Wayne is worth only 100mill but birdman is 350mill from cash money alone... it is frusterating because young jeezy(great rapper but not as famous) is worth i think 150mill lol something has to be wrong with lil waynes net value but until its fixed, no lil Wayne is not worth more than birdman or young jeezy.. :(
lil waynes 1st song was " get off the corner"actually lil Waynes first song is the block is hoti was pretty sure it was hollygrove...when he was like 8
lil waynes son is fine but he has mager head induries from lil waynes drug usage.
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no, they have no relation
Net worth 35 million