Alan Leo was born on August 7, 1860.
Leo Esaki was born on March 12, 1925.
Leo Buscaglia was born on March 31, 1924.
His zodiac Sign Is A Leo, because his birthday (July 23- August 22)
There is a new club for all born Aug. 2 (search for "august 2nd birthday club").
The zodiac sign for a birthday on July 28 is Leo.
his birthday is in august and he is a Leo
Leo Arnaud was born on July 24, 1904.
it was his birthday
Make it so.
Leo Durocher was born on July 27, 1905.
Leo Cullum was born on January 11, 1942.
Leo Dandurand was born on July 9, 1889.
Leo Nomellini was born on June 19, 1924.
Leo McKern was born on March 16, 1920.
Leo Brouwer was born on March 1, 1939.