Lana is a Spanish word for, somewhat oddly- Wool. Inez, however is equivalent of Agnes, which comes from the Latin word for Sheep=- Agnus.
my daughter says it is the mom from Zach and Cody Her name is Kim Rhodes. She is an actress on the Disney show, Suite life of Zack and Cody.
According to Eric Stonestreet, who plays Cam, all the shirts are custom made: Stonestreet says that a custom shirt maker in LA, Anto of Beverly Hills make his shirts for the Modern Family show. The shirtmaker is famous for making shirts for Dean Martin, Ronald Reagan & Frank Sinatra. He says it's a treat to come into his trailer and see what shirt he'll be wearing. He says he doesn't pick the fabric but help picks the style and then go crazy with what he wears. Please refer to the related links for more information.
No, But I think It says Belongo, Belongo is a made up caracter
No, chum is not fum. It is an annoying saying made by Patrick, and we all know whatever he says is garbage.
Well...My gaydar says definitely yes, but the actor himself has not made it publically official.
I have just bought a throw and on the label it says 45% Lana fibre what is that? Lana means wool in Italian Language
There are many different types of fabrics such as linen, silk and satin to name a few. When someone says the make up of the fabric is such and such that means what the fabric is made from.
Orlon ----Sillypinkjade says:• Coir Fabric• Cotton Fabric(Natural Fabric's)Website--
Apex says 80% Enjoy
It says it on the tag !
various materials such as food, minerals, fabric, mechanics, toys, etc. stuff that says 'made in China' or 'made in India' or any other country is imported
Apex says 80% Enjoy
i am pro
Fabric shears provide a clean cut through fabric and will last longer overall. They're also "generally longer in length than all-purpose scissors which helps with the precision," Button says. Munix tailoring scissors are made up of stainless steel that is a corrosion-resistant material that helps the scissors to last longer making it more durable. Tailoring scissors are made with ergonomic design which makes cutting fabric easy.
Wikipedia says "The volunteer carrying the country name sign was wearing a dress made entirely from fabric printed with photos of Olympic volunteers."
The analogy is comparing touching fabric to eating ice cream. It says both are very pleasant.