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Q: What is Lady Gaga favorite desst?
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What is Lady Gaga's favorite thing?

The name of Lady Gaga's favorite cake is not known. However, her favorite dessert is Panna cotta and her favorite candy is gummies.

Quel est le numéro préféré de Lady Gaga?

What is Lady Gaga's favorite number?

What is lady Gaga favorite name?


What is William's favorite singer?

lady gaga

What was lady gaga's favorite color?


What is lady gaga's favorite coluor?


Who is lady Gaga's favorite singer?

Tony Bennett is her favorite singer.

Which of Lady Gaga's songs is her favorite?

Lady Gaga likes all of her songs. whoever wrote the answer above me gave a horrible answer

What is Lady Gaga's favorite song?

This is Lady Gaga's opinion. The only way you'll ever know is by personally asking her.

What is Lady Gaga's favorite dog?

Great danes, there in her Eh Eh and Pokerface videos

What is lady gaga's favorite pie?

Cherry pie

What is Lady Gaga's favorite place to be poked?

In her Pokerface.