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the smiley face

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Justin Bieber's favourite pose is the peace sign

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Justin Beiber's favorite smiley face is :D

It's simple just column and capital D =( :D )

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βˆ™ 12y ago

B )

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βˆ™ 4y ago

Justin Bieber's favourite smiley face is :D . Type in double dot, then a capital d.

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βˆ™ 4y ago

This on :)

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βˆ™ 4y ago


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What was up with Justin biebers face?

nothing. he is amazing.

What is your favorite smiley face?

^@^ Aaannddd (;

Is Justin biebers face green?

No. But his dad did draw in his face in green marker while he was sleeping for a prank and then he tweeted it.

What frind are you of Justin Biebers?

I am not a fan i am his girlfriend........................................... and nobody is not going to punch me in the face again

How did sofonisba anguissola get blind?

she looked at Justin biebers face, that is too beatiful to handle :)

How is Justin biebers face so clean?

He has good genes and possible thanks to make-up :)

Justin Bieber get his sweatshirts?

YES! Justin does get his sweatshirts!

Where can you get Justin Biebers choes?

ughh idk but if i knew ill be over there right now and kissing his face -unknown

What is Justin biebers facial shape?

His facial shape is triangular. A triangular facial shape is when the jaw is wider than the forehead.

What is backwards smiley face?

A backwards smiley face is when the punctuation for a smiley face is reversed, such as ) : or ( :. It may symbolize a different emotion than a traditional smiley face.

How do you do msn winks?

click on the smiley face icon or " " is a smiley face ";)" is a wink ":D" is a big smiley face etc.

When did Justin biebers dog sam die?

on face book him and his freinds put rip Sammy ( his dog) but i don't think that's the real Justin bieber.... but u have to look harder on this questions