Corey Taylor's real full name is Corey Todd Taylor.
Johnny Bennett's birth name is Jonathan Bennett.
Johnny Laboriel's birth name is Juan Jos Laboriel Lpez.
Johnny Otis' wife's name is Phyllis.
The Johnny Gasser I know got this name he passes a lot of gas.
his name is joe maw
Johnny Taylor is played by Joe Maw.
If a couple's name is Taylor, and you want to write it as a plural, it would be "The Taylors". If you are referring to a possession belonging to them, it would be: -The Taylors' mail. -The Taylors' dog. - The Taylors' house.
Monique Coleman.
this is a stupid question to ask!
Andrea Swift
Swift, of course
Her real name is Kateyln Tarver.