Jennifer Aniston was born on February 11, 1969
according to her usc facebook (her real one), December 5, 1985.
Jennifer Aniston Is 43 Years Old She Was Born On Feb,11,1969 Subtrack 1969 From 2012 And You Will Get 43 Years Old.
Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lopez , Jennifer Hudson, Jennifer Garner, Jenny McCarthy
Jennifer Ashton's birth name is Jennifer Lee Garfein.
They are Mr and mrs Walcotts.
Jennifer vranes birthday
Jennifer's birthday is February 12th, 1993. :)
Jennifer Hudson was born on September 12, 1981
Jennifer sparks' birthday is march 23 1999
mama wallcott
Her birthday is September 18th.
he doesn't have middle name
Hope I could help =]
The actress, Jennifer Parsons, was born in 1971.