Hermione of Greek myth is a Princess of Sparta and later Queen of Mycenae.
Batista comes from the Philippines(his father's nationality) and from Greece(his mother's nationality).
Nationality: CanadianEthnicity: Serbian
She was born in Oregon, so her nationality is Americsan
what nationality is ron kenoly wife
Essex is in the East of England, therefore "English" is the nationality of the residents of Essex. Or British.
Her cat is orange and yellow
Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Ginny Weasley.
Hermione's teeth were enlarged by Draco Malfoy.
he yelled at her for going with Victor Krum, because he is the enemy
Never and no reason. (Except for a vision created by Tom Riddle, to torment Ron.)
Yes, along with Ron and Hermiones children, and Draco Malfoy's children.
Hermione Granger, one of the main protagonists in the Harry Potter series, was supposedly born on the 19th of September in 1979.
Because the fanfiction Dracos and Hermiones are normally very different characters to canon Draco and Hermione.
harry pulls hermiones wand out of her pocket and he does expelliarmus on snpe on is chest which he faints.
Robert Recorde's nationality nationality was welsh
Britney Spears' nationality is American.