Henrik Foogel's birth name is Lars Henrik Foogel.
Henrik Hybertsson died in 1627.
He does not have a middle name.
Keith's middle name is Ronald.
Henrik Takkenberg died on 2006-11-25.
If you mean identical, then yes. The Sedins are identical twins (Henrik was born first).
Yes, the Sedins. Henrik won it for the 2009-10 season and Daniel won it the following 2010-11 season.
Henrik Havas's birth name is Rokobauer Henrik.
Henrik Malyan's birth name is Henrik Sureni Malyan.
Henrik Schyffert's birth name is Schyffert, Per Henrik.
Henrik Ibsen's birth name is Ibsen, Henrik Johan.
Henrik Bruhn's birth name is Henrik Bruhn Kristensen.
Henrik Tikkanen's birth name is Georg Henrik Tikkanen.
Henrik Wille's birth name is Henrik Finnerup Wille.
Henrik Schildt's birth name is Ernst Henrik Schildt.
Henrik Foogel's birth name is Lars Henrik Foogel.