Maria Helena Fialho Gouveia's birth name is Maria Helena Varela Gomes.
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Aura Helena Prada is 173 cm.
Helena Blavatsky was born on August 12, 1831.
Helena Blavatsky was born on August 12, 1831.
Helena Blavatsky died on May 8, 1891 at the age of 59.
Helena Blavatsky was born on August 12, 1831 and died on May 8, 1891. Helena Blavatsky would have been 59 years old at the time of death or 183 years old today.
Henry Steel Olcott, William Quan Judge and Helena Petrovna Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society in NYC in 1875.
Helen Blavatsky was born on 12 august 1831
H. P. Blavatsky was born on August 12, 1831.
H. P. Blavatsky was born on August 12, 1831.
Helena Paparizou is famous for being a Swedish Greek singer. Helena has four albums released. She is also an occasional songwriter and television personality.
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