It was never mentioned. It could be red or gold which are his house colours and the hari colour of the Weasley's. It may also be green because of his eye colour which he inherited from his mother.
Not known.
harry s Truman's favorite color is yellow
Harry Styles is a member of the band, One Direction. He has stated his favorite colors are blue and orange.
Petunia and vernon dursley.
Harry Potters potronus is a Stag.Answer: nothing. For Patronus see the attached link.
Jude Law has not stated what his favorite color is. He does wear a lot of grey, so it is likely a color that he likes a lot.
the wizards
Her favorite colors were light watercolors.
Harry Potter's PJs are Blue and white Striped
I would say Harry's favorite place is Hogwarts because it was his first real home.
red and gold and maybe green
His favorite food is a steak and kidney pudding and his favourite dessert is treacle tart.
They all LOVE (Harry) Potters Series, but when asked about a favorite Fledgling Jason Steed was the answer.
harry s Truman's favorite color is yellow
It is unknown, but his best friend Ron Weasley's least favorite is corned beef.
I don't think any of the seven books mention a favorite music of Harry Potter. Note that since Harry Potter is a fictional character, there is really no way to ask him.
His favorite colors are blue and orange.Harry's favorite color is orange.