1980's wrestler "Hacksaw Jim Duggan" was born James Stuart Duggan on January 14, 1954.
john blart
From the preacher Jim Jones that commited the Jonestown massacre in 1978.
Halpert. Or in real life Krasinski. Jim Halpert. John Krasinski :)
Rey mysterio no he isn't, Taker is older than Rey as is HHH, Kane, Big Show, and several others
Answer:his nickname is...Jimhis real name is James
Jim Duggans finisher is called the 3 point stance
john blart
South carolina
hacksaw Jim duggan chris Jericho
jom hacksaw duggan got his idea from his wife
If you are talking about the wrestler Jim ross then his real name is James William Ross.
Hacksaw Jim duggan and Shawn michaels
hacksaw Jim duggan (1988)
"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan (1988)
hacksaw jim duggan
jim's real son