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Q: What is Gwen from total drama islands last name?
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Total drama island does Trent and Gwen become close again?

In U.S. version of The Very Last Episode, Really! Gwen loses but soon she and Trent get back together.

Total drama island season 3?

Total Drama Island season 3 is actually called Total Drama Musical and the contestants are Bridgette, Cody, Courtney, Dj, Duncan, Geoff, Gwen, Heather, Izzy(E-scope), Leshawna, Lindsay, Noah, Trent, Tyler, and last but definatly not least, my favorite,.........HAROLD!!!!

In total drama action what is Gwens last name?

they dontgive out any last names in total drama action or island

When in total drama island does heather get voted off?


Where to watch total drama revenge of the island?

i don't know but Owen wins Owen and Gwen are in the last episode you can check it out on www.teletoon.conIt's the finals and there's a surprise in store for the last two competitors (Gwen and Owen). All the former team mates have been invited back to watch the last challenge - a long distance "Rejected Olympic" run. The competitors must shimmy up a totem pole and grab a flag, cross over a ravine while carrying an eagle's egg then run through the forest to the finish line. Gwen is aided by Trent, who she no longer trusted, while Owen is aided by Izzy, Geoff, and Heather. Owen wins Total Drama Island when Izzy aids Owen by luring him with a plate of brownies. Trent asks Gwen out, and the boys dunk Chris in the water while the girls cheer them on. And then they chase Chef Hatchet all through camp. After that the season sadly ends.

Related questions

Who is last voted off total drama island?

Gwen is the last to get voted off

Who is going to be the last person on Total Drama Island?

The last two ppl in Total Drama Action were Gwen and Owen for Total Drama Action u still have to see cause it is not the season final yet

Who was the last one to be eliminated in total drama island?

Gwen. Owen wins. Unfortunatalty.

Who gets voted off in the last episode of total drama island?

Gwen comes in second place.

Total drama island does Trent and Gwen become close again?

In U.S. version of The Very Last Episode, Really! Gwen loses but soon she and Trent get back together.

Total to drama island whos the second to last winner?

Gwen ya right Gwen WONT win Duncan or Beth win Du shes already voted off

Are Trent and Gwen in season two?

Yeah! They became "afically" a couple in the LAST episode. Now there in Total Drama Action, Together

What happens on the last episode of total drama island?

well if your talking about the Gwen vs Owen episode Owen verses Gwen but Owen wins but if your talking about the reunion all the campers talk.

Total drama island season 3?

Total Drama Island season 3 is actually called Total Drama Musical and the contestants are Bridgette, Cody, Courtney, Dj, Duncan, Geoff, Gwen, Heather, Izzy(E-scope), Leshawna, Lindsay, Noah, Trent, Tyler, and last but definatly not least, my favorite,.........HAROLD!!!!

Who got voted off in the last episode off Total Drama Island?

Gwen but she didnt really get voted off she lost the race when she versed Owen.

What is after total drama reloaded?

After Total Drama Reloaded, the last season is Total Drama Revisited and that is it.

What is total drama island last episode?

You could tally the last episode as "The Last Episode, Really!", or the one hour special, called "Total Drama Drama Drama Island". -Carla520