The former disgraced glam roker Gary Glitter's real name is Paul Francis Gadd.
Gary Lee Weinrib
Goldie Glitters's birth name is Michael G. Heesy.
Sirius Black from Harry Potter real name is Gary Oldman.
Radar's proper name was Walter, and his character was played by Gary Burghoff.
He does not have a middle name. In a video he claimed it was William, but he was joking around with Robbie Williams.
Garry glitters real name is Lewis lacey
Gary's real name is Gary.
What is Gary Sobers real christian name
Gary Allan Herzburg
Gary Allan Herzburg
Gary Francis Poste
Gary Lee Weinrib
Goldie Glitters's birth name is Michael G. Heesy.
Gary Lee Weinrib.
Gary is currently 23 years old.
This Is True Gary's Name Is Simply Gary. He Has No Other Names. :)-------------------------Nope, that's not right.His real name:Gary "the Snail" Wilson, Jr.
Aram Gary Manucharian