Eva Longoria's full name, following her marriage to NBA player Tony Parker in 2007, is Eva Jacqueline Longoria Parker.
Eva Mendes either doesn't have a middle name, or she does and has chosen to keep it private. Eva was born in Miami, Florida.
Eva Alw's birth name is Eva Charlotta Scholander.
Eva Speyer's birth name is Eva Stckl Speyer.
Eva Sitta's birth name is Pchov, Eva.
Eva Szaflarska's birth name is Eva Szavlarska.
Eva Bush's birth name is Eva Whitney Bush.
Eva Rose Eva Lee Eva Yvone Eva Lynn Eva Ann
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Eva Alw's birth name is Eva Charlotta Scholander.
Eva Speyer's birth name is Eva Stckl Speyer.
Eva Nil's birth name is Comello, Eva.
Eva Sitta's birth name is Pchov, Eva.
Eva Szaflarska's birth name is Eva Szavlarska.
Eva Malmsten's birth name is Eva Meil.
Eva Bender's birth name is Eva Abrahamson.