Albino dumbledor is his real name because his mother left him with a bunch of albinos when he was little.
Deluminator or put-outer which was given to him in dumbledores will
his real name is Kaydn Rodriguez His real name is Jason Reso
The characters full name is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore The names of the two actors who played Dumbledore are Richard St. John Harris and Sir Michael John Gambon.
wats lil tweety real name?
Jacksons real name is Jason earls Jacksons real name is Jason earls
The order of the Pheonix
Dumbledore's pet phoenix is named Fawkes.
In the Room of Requirement.
with the magic of dumbledores testicles
Wand coloured.
WHERE? IF you mean what is his patronus, I think it's a phoenix
Phoenix's feather - It is feather from Dumbledores phoenix Fawkes.
If you are referring to the book: Harry reads an article about Dumbledore written by Elphias Doge; Dumbledores old friend. It explains a lot about Dumbledores childhood. After that harry reads another article about Dumbledore written by Rita Skeeter. This article explains more detail about Dumbledores childhood too.
That's classified information.
Deluminator or put-outer which was given to him in dumbledores will
Yes. (But you should realise that the person you saw in the movie is not Dumbledore, the arch-wizard, he is just an actor.)