Duane Lee Chapman still lives in Hawaii.
Duane Lee is 37 Years Old and Leland is 34 Years Old in December
No! He has a son from his previous marriage.
Duane Lee Chapman was born on January 21, 1973.
Duane Lee Chapman Jr is 37 years old (birthdate: January 21, 1973).
Duane Lee Chapman Jr was born on January 21, 1973.
He was on Twitter @DuaneLChapman and he was on facebook at: Duane Lee Chapman Fan page, but he is not anymore.
Dog, the Bounty Hunter's real name duone chipman
Duane Lee Chapman still lives in Hawaii.
Because he feels like it
Duane Lee Mother is Lafonda Sue Honeycutt
Duane Lee is 37 Years Old and Leland is 34 Years Old in December
He has blue eyes.