Gregory. Stacy Warner (his exgirlfriend) and his mother are the only people "allowed" to call him this -- otherwise he snaps at them.
His name is Carlisle.
His name is Mac, Dr. Mac MCcartney
William Mathias Scholl (1882-1968) was a podiatrist and the founder of Dr. Scholl's.
Dr. Alzheimer's first name is Alois = Dr. Alois Alzheimer.
Dr. Bartolo's first name is Antonio.
Dr. Manette's first name is Alexandre.
his first name is Henry
The first name of Dr. Cutty in the TV series "House" is Lisa.
Dr. John A. Zoidberg
If you're talking about Dr. Pemberton, the inventor of Coca-Cola, his first name was John.
Dr. (First name)(Last name) OR Dr. (Last name) For example: Dr. Lily Copper / Dr. Cooper
His name was Yuri.
Dr. Martinez's first name in the Maximum Ride series is Valencia.
The name of Dr William Masters first wife was Elizabeth Ellis Masters.
Dr. John Zoidberg