Dorothy LeMay was born on February 14, 1954.
Merle Leland Youngs died in 1958.
There are many celebrities with the first name Dorothy including but not limited to Dorothy Knight, Dorothy Malone, Dorothy Arnold, Dorothy Provine and Dorothy Webb.
Dorothy Segall's birth name is Dorothy Propheter.
Dorothy Provine was born on January 20, 1937.
Ross Youngs was born on April 10, 1897.
Ben Youngs was born on September 5, 1989.
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Dorothy Wang's birthday was on the 28th of January.
Dorothy Wang's birthday was on the 28th of January.
Dorothy Fields was born on July 15, 1905.
Dorothy Provine was born on January 20, 1937.
Dorothy Kilgallen was born on July 3, 1913.
Dorothy Malone was born on January 30, 1925.
Dorothy McGuire was born on February 13, 1928.
Dorothy Mackaill was born on March 4, 1903.
Dorothy Gish was born on March 11, 1898.