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Cullen Davis is the wealthy oil magnate of the 1970's whom was charged with the murder of his of his step daughter and the murder of his wife's lover. Mr. Davis was also considered the prime suspect in the nonfatal shooting of his wife and another male houseguest. Mr. Davis was tried in the 70's but eventually aquitted of these crimes. Mr. Davis was only tried for the murder of his step daughter. To this day, the other murders remain "unsolved" with no other known suspect aside from the insane confession of the covicted killer Billy Frank Vickers 2 minutes prior to his own execution. Mr. Davis was also known as Thomas Cullen Davis and resided with his current wife Karen somewhere around the Fort Worth area. The only phone number I can is (817) 536-3210. I am unaware of any email or any other contact information for this gentlemen. Please post more information if someone else has any. Thank you.

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What is T. Cullen Davis's birthday?

T. Cullen Davis was born on September 22, 1933.

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Sorry no email addresses here.

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email this address and ask for her email:

Who was t Cullen Davis father?

Cullen Davis's father was Kenneth W. Davis, a wealthy oil tycoon.

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When was T. Cullen Davis born?

T. Cullen Davis was born on September 22, 1933.

What Happened to the players in the Cullen Davis murder scandal?

Cullen Davis is still alive but flat broke. Priscilla Davis died of breast cancer in 2001.